JUST love… guardian whispers

They said I was rude and made callous remarks

Let there be awareness gently lighting those sparks

They told me it was best that I leave him alone

Let there be reflections guiding your patience zone

They think that I’m stupid and my directions all wrong

Let there be signposts and listen to their song

We can tune into many tones of love and temptations

Let there be moments, pleasure without ramifications

They class me as a snob because of my point of view

Let there be new classifications, JUST them and JUST you

They call me insensitive and believe that I’m mean

Let there be feedback, find your treasures unseen

They laugh at my suffering, make fun of my struggle

Let there be humour in this pain you must juggle

He watched me walk away nursing my heavy heart

Let there be forgiveness instead of tearing this apart

JUST love

PussyFoot whiskers sense guardian whispers… conversation with angels



GEM n EYE… the twins

by the sea

Neptune acts to dissolve whatever it touches

Square the Gemini Sun… self deception and facing the enemy

letting things happen without fighting back or responding

learning to let go of ego attachments… identity crisis

self image…re-worked for greater, perhaps more spiritual sense of purpose

pussyfoots reads at this Café…and tasted some of the abovementioned
